Date(s) - 21/05/2020
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
ACE Webinar: RCRA Recommended Cumulative Recovery Allowance
Join Murray Gibson – Conducting a multi-task ergonomic evaluation using the Recommended Cumulative Recovery Allowance (RCRA).
Murray Gibson is the Founder of Saturn Ergonomics Consulting in Aubrun, Alabama – United States. He’s a licensed PE (Professional Engineer) and CPE ( Certified Professional Ergonomics); with experience at the plant-level, corporate-level, and as a consultant in over 150 companies. Murray is co-author of the Recommended Cumulative Allowance (RCRA), a multi-task force and muscle fatigue evaluation model. He is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Auburn University.
What you will learn…
This presentation will teach you how to conduct a multi-task ergonomic evaluation using the Recommended Cumulative Recovery Allowance (RCRA). Murray will discuss lessons he’s learned applying RCRA in industry, present new (more robust) RCRA-related metrics, and discuss the support technologies needed to effectively apply RCRA within your organization. Beyond current static process evaluation, multi-task ergonomics evaluation provides the capability to monitor ergonomics physical exposures in real-time, or in a forward-looking manner to quantify the impact of proposed changes to operational parameters such as line speed (cycle time), make/model mix, etc.