If you have information or articles you would like to share on our regional ACE web page, please contact prairieandnorthernpresident@ace-ergocanada.ca
ACE is pleased to welcome members to the Regions section of the web site. We encourage members to visit their regional home page to obtain updates and information on key activities in their area. Members who are traveling outside their area may also wish to check the regional home page for their destination, to find out about any events and activities that may be occurring in the area where they are visiting.
We also encourage members to browse the rest of the Web site as content is being added to and updated on a regular basis.
June 2022 Happy Hour at the Free House restaurant in Calgary
May 2022 Catherine Ritchie presenting at the HSCSA conference
2021 Burlington Lift Bridge and Barangas on the Beach. Click on image for more pictures.
Troy Collins
Manu Nellutla
Suzanne Jackson
Daniela Pistilli
Era Poddar
Leo Chan
Max Karp
Sonya Kung
Amy Duguay
Heather Kahle