Nominations for IEA Annual Awards are now being received.


IEA Federated Societies are encouraged to nominate qualified candidates for three annual awards:

·     The IEA Fellowship Award, which is given to recognize extraordinary or sustained, superior accomplishments of an individual. To be considered for a fellowship two eligibility criteria must be satisfied. In addition, the candidate’s distinction as ergonomics professional must be demonstrated.


·     The IEA/Kingfar Award for Student Research in Human Factors and Ergonomics Issues in Industrially Developing Countries, which is given annually to honor persons who have made high-quality human factors and ergonomics (HFE) research achievements that address HFE issues typical of industrially developing countries (IDCs). The purpose of the award is to honor a deserving student and allow them to focus their research on HFE issues typical of IDCs and thereby potentially improve the well-being of people in industrially developing countries. Up to eight award winners may be selected each year. Each winner will be given a prize of 1,000 USD.


·     The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors and Ergonomics Education for Industrially Developing Countries which is given annually to honor persons who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the success of postgraduate educational programs through international/inter-regional collaboration with the corresponding program. Up to four individuals nominated from up to 2 nominating educational programs may be selected. The winners altogether will share $8,000 USD.


Fellow nominations are due on April 30, and the deadline for the IEA/Tsinghua and IEA/Kingfar awards is June 30. Details and nomination requirements can be accessed at the links above.