Conference Program

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Day 1 – October 15, 2018


Workshop: “How to Integrate Ergonomics into the Engineering Design Process”

Facilitators: Dr. Judy Village1 and Dr. Patrick Neumann2

1School of Population and Public Health UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada

2Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario


Day 2 – October 16, 2018


Registration Opens


**Denotes simultaneous translation offered during this session


Opening Remarks and Welcome**



Keynote Lecture: “Human Factors for the Future Workforce”**

Prof. Neil Mansfield, PhD

Head of Engineering, Nottingham Trent University

President, Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors


10:15 – 10:30

Health Break


Concurrent Sessions



Paper Session 1:



Igor Zovilé

Évaluation des contraintes

physiologiques associées au port d’un appareil de protection respiratoire de type P100 dans différentes conditions d’humidité relative


Samuel Charbonneau

Contraintes physiologiques et physiques associées au port d’un appareil de protection respiratoire de type P100 selon l’intensité physique et la température ambiante


Alexie Dennie

The Relationship Between the Physical Working Environment and Self-Reports of Sleep Quality and Quantity in the Mining Industry


Interactive Panel:


Chair: Michele Oliver

Panelists: Erika Ziraldo, Karen Gordon & Andrew Hamilton-Wright


The evolution of wearable assessment devices in ergonomics


Paper Session 2:

Manual Materials Handling


Harrison Kloke

Balanced joint loading – a new recommended lifting strategy


Alison McDonald

The effects of task and ladder on shoulder and low back demands during common ladder handling tasks


Tianna Beharriell

Physiological responses to acute lifting tasks of varied frequency and magnitude



Lunch and ACE Annual General Membership Meeting**



Keynote Lecture: “Prévention équitable de l’incapacité de travail auprès des adolescentes et adolescents faiblement qualifié.es par la conception d’environnements capacitants d’apprentissage”**

Dr. Marie Laberge, PhD

Professeure agrégée, École de réadaptation de l’Université de Montréal

Chercheuse régulière CINBIOSE | CHU Ste-Justine



Health Break & Exhibitor Session


Concurrent Sessions


Paper Session 3:

Office Ergonomics**


Nancy Black

Challenges of controlled measures in real office environments:  impact of workstation stand-sit height variations


Daniel Viggiani

Automated prediction of sit-stand desk use from low-cost distance and temperature sensors


Nancy Black

Matching postural state sequences with fatigue and pain experienced to distinguish low and high risk at sitting and sit-stand workstations


Kayla Fewster

An evaluation of office chair backrest height on muscular demands



Facilitator: Tanya Morose


Applying for certification with CCCPE and maintaining certification


Paper Session 4:

Applied Case Studies


Alexander Mason

Exoskeleton integration into industrial workplaces


Allison Stephens

Do I need a Digital Human Model (DHM) to do Ergonomics?


Kristina Zucchiatti

One conveyor, prolonged standing, many workers: is a chair the answer?


Nicholas Patrick

Developing physical demands descriptions from job simulations


Exhibitor Showcase and Reception (Solarium)

Day 3 – October 17, 2018


Registration Opens





Keynote Lecture: “What is Situational Awareness and why does it matter?”

Dr. Richard Gasaway, PhD

President & Principal Consultant, Gasaway Consulting Group, LLC

Chief Scientist, Situational Awareness Matters

Resident Instructor, Executive Fire Officer Program, National Fire Academy



Health Break


Concurrent Sessions


 Interactive Panel:


Chair: Tammy Eger

Panelists: Mallorie Leduc, Sandra Dorman, Alison Godwin, Caleb Leduc


Applied Field Research using Field-Lab-Field (F2L2F) Approach



Paper Session 5:

Ergonomics in Healthcare


Carolynn Kallitsis

Estimated action limits and postural ranges for care providers with pediatric populations: an applied case study


Jim Potvin

Caregiver loads during sit-to-stand patient lifting: A simulation study of three clinical devices




Facilitator: Vance McPherson


Applying adult learning principles: ensuring success to your health and safety education and training sessions



Paper Session 6:

Student Award Finalists


CROSH Undergraduate Student Award Finalists

Jacqueline Toner

The impact of different handle orientations on external pushing force and muscle activity of a 4-child stroller


Erika Ziraldo

Design and validation of a prototype wearable device for automating low back injury risk factor quantification during manual materials handling


Courtney Nickel

Eliminating the learning effect for mining simulator research


JM Christensen Masters Award Finalists

Matthew Barrett

Can seat pan design mitigate lower limb swelling and back pain?


Sara Sayed

Career firefighters’ real-time physiological response to firefighting tasks over 6 months: implications for injury prevention




Concurrent Sessions


Interactive Session:


Facilitator: Dr. Richard Gasaway

Flawed Situational Awareness: A stealth killer in the workplace


Paper Session 7:

Mobile Equipment


Kevin Gillespie

Forensic Ergonomics: Line of sign and visibility assessment in critical injury and fatality ‘struck-by’ investigations; a case study


Heather Kahle

Efficacy of broadband alarms: use, perception and safety


Brandon Vance

Documenting construction worker knowledge and attitude around reversing aids and visibility policies


Amandeep Singh

Investigation of occupational ride comfort in cultivation operation by Taguchi's method


Paper Session 8:

Founders Award Finalists: PhD and Post-Doctoral Fellows


Michal Glinka

Chair design challenges for accommodating postures between traditional sitting and standing


Katie Goggins

Anatomical locations for capturing magnitude differences in foot-transmitted vibration exposure


Colin McKinnon

The influence of hand location on lumbar spine axial twist and flexion postures during simulated industrial reaching tasks


Health Break


Concurrent Sessions


Interactive Session: Flawed Situational Awareness continued.



Facilitator: Lucy Hart


Office ergonomics 2018: unpacking the new CSAz412 standard



Paper Session 9:

General Ergonomics


Catherine Trask

Egress technique in agricultural machinery and the risk of falls


Mallorie Leduc

Vibration Toolkit: Evaluation of an educational intervention


Corey Bouwmeester

The effect of underground mining footwear on lower limb gait characteristics and comfort


Social Event

Science North: Join us for an exciting evening at Science North on Ramsey Lake, including interactive exhibits, a cash bar, and appetizers!

Day 4 – October 18, 2018


Registration Opens




Keynote Lecture: “Reaping what we sow- Engaging Workers and Stakeholders in Agricultural Health Research”

Dr. Catherine Trask, PhD

Canada Research Chair in Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Health

Associate Professor, Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture

University of Saskatchewan


Health Break


Concurrent Sessions


Paper Session 10:

General Ergonomics


Peg Scherzinger

Ergonomics assessment methods and guidelines used in the investigation of a critical injury and a fatality due to falls from ladders


Heather Kahle

‘What goes right’

Using appreciative action research to understand work performance and promote system-level resilience in the silviculture industry


Ornwipa Thamsuwan

Field-based electromyography to assess shoulder muscle activity during repetitive tasks: an application in apple orchards


Cyrus Lee


Evaluation of smartphone sound level meter applications for spectral analysis by comparing internal and external microphones

Paper Session 11:

Ergonomics in Healthcare


Amy Doan

Medical device user interfaces and blame: use and user error



Nicholas La Delfa

Quantifying upper extremity muscle exposures

During manual pill crushing


Josie Blake

The fundamentals of ergonomics win again: adjusting the patient (work) to the nurse (worker)


Ryan Smiley

Case study: BCEHS patient handling equipment implementation



Facilitator: Richard Wells


Development of a new MSD Prevention Guide for Ontario





Presentation of Student Awards & Closing Remarks


Concurrent Sessions


Applied Workshop:


Facilitator: Allison Stephens


Moving from Lab to Industry : How to measure force and assess it for acceptability





Facilitator: Trevor Schell


Can ergonomists do more harm than good? How to avoid costly mistakes for your clients.





Facilitator: Richard Wells


Development of a new MSD Prevention Guide for Ontario Continued

*Technical Program is subject to change

**Indicates session that offers simultaneous translation