Template for Poster Presentations (ACE2024)

Maximum Poster Size:

3 feet 9 inches x 3 feet 9 inches

Must Include:

  • Title with authors’ names, credentials, and affiliations
  • University or Organization/Company branding (please visit your own institution/organization’s branding requirements)

Recommended headings:

Research Case Study
Problem / Introduction Introduction
Research  Questions / Objective Purpose
Methods Context
Results Outcomes
Discussion Discussion
Research to practice statements  
References References
Acknowledgement of funding source / Company support if applicable  

Suggested Additional Handouts (Not required)

  • Summary or small printout of the poster 
  • Copies of important figure(s) 
  • Business cards 
  • Reference list 

Our technical co-chairs Shona Anderson & Courtney Kersten-Kwan are happy to answer any questions at events@ace-ergocanada.ca

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